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Does this ever happen to you? You like to invest in the short-run, riding the minor trends up and down. You have an advisor who’s good at giving the longs and shorts that move fast. Or maybe you’re your own advisor and give good advice all the same. But you have come to realize you can’t win them all. In fact, losing is something you have had to get used to. The goal has become winning more times or at least dollars than you lose in order to make your investment portfolio grow. But now you have come to realize further that a winning stock pick is not enough. Timing when to get out is just as critical. So you tinker with various strategies, sometimes getting out early sometime waiting and see. And then it seems the market is a cruel trickster by more times than not continuing against you when you stay in or proceeding your direction only after you just got out. So you say, I need those profits I missed to cover the losses just to stay profitable. And there lies the problem. Such a solution would require you to consider in-depth all your trades all an extended period of time. If you are like me, you may have a hard time remember what you traded last week.  TradeCoach is the tool to help you tackle this problem and find a solution.


TradeCoach 1.0 beta edition

  Load and Store Your 
Personal Trade History

Every effort is made to make incorporating TradeCoach into your daily trading routine as seamless as possible. You can upload your existing trades from a spreadsheet or similar file or just enter them into our easy access window by hand. Click on the ‘My Trades’ tab. Here the user can enter and edit his trade activity or upload an Excel  spreadsheet or csv file.  Optional, each trade can be entered and edited by hand. 

By default, trades are placed in the 'default' project. You can create additional Projects in the File menu option. Each project has its own set of trade data. When a specific project is selected, only that projects information will be displayed and analyzed. This allows the user to apply TradeCoach to different client or different circumstances. 

Selecting the check boxes in the first column of the table allows for various data manipulation. Checked boxes can be deleted in bulk. When solving for ROI and analyzing data, only those trades have a corresponding check will be considered in the analysis. This allows you to test removing known outliers or trades you executed by you feel are not representative of your style or performance but without permanently removing the trade from your transaction database. 

  View More Informatin About Your Securities

Selecting the ‘Securities’ tab shows a list of your securities with key statistics used by TradeCoach.  This table is Read-Only as it is produced by looking up the current information for securities related to the trades you entered on the 'My Trades' tab.    The beta value of each security is used to measure the volitility comparison to one another.  This causes TradeCoach to assign relatively tighter stops to securities with lower beta values thoses helping you lock in profit.   

The Securities table is auto-generated by TradeCoach based on your trade history entered prior.  The table is completely read-only with the exception of the check box.  Only securities with checks will be considered in the analysis of ROI.  Beta is a measure of the stocks volitility and is populated from an online financial data provider such as Yahoo Finance.  By default, TradeCoach consideres the Beta volitility measure of the security when analyzing your data and making recommendations.

  Viewing the Historical Price Information of Your Investments 

TradeCoach archives the daily price data for each of your securities.  More granular price data (hourly, 15 minute, etc.) can be harvested if desired.  This table is populated and updated automatically provide you have a connection to the internet.  Only historical price data related to securities having a check in their corresponding checkbox located on the Securities tab are displayed.  Toggling the checkbox on the Historical Prices table itself allows for various filtering functions. 


TradeCoach is currently under develop and not yet for sale. But you can get a sneak preview by downloading the latest beta version. Just click on the Download but above.  TradeCoach will be even better when down.  Please give us your feedback as you use the beta.


Recalculation of Your Investments Against the Online Historical Data 

TradeCoach calculates the ROI (return on investment) of ALL your trade activity as it would be against the data collected.  Currently, the data collected is the daily price data provided by Yahoo. This will likely be slightly different than the actual results you experienced as the calculation is being made against daily price data. Harvesting and selecting more granular data will improve this difference.  However, for purposes of optimizing your EXIT strategy, the daily FREE data will suffice. 


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Exhaustive List of Scenarios Tested To Maximize ROI 

TradeCoach displays the scenarios it ran to arrive at its recommendations. This is just to let you know its doing its homework.  It’s a noisy screen and you don’t need to dive to deep into it. But you will notice a combination of different stop strategies including multiple tier trailing-stops is being tested to attempt to lock it every bit of profit and optimize your exit strategy. 



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Narrowing It Down to the Best Scenario for Maximum ROI 

Selecting the ‘Analysis’ tab show TradeCoach ’s findings. A strategy is laid out best on the best scenario. A set of parameters is produced that can be applies to future trades based solely on the facts know at the time you enter the trade. lick on the Analysis tab. Here the result of your findings. Its expressed in generic terms. But this is the outline of the scenario that resulted in the highest ROI when applied historically to your trade data. 




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Getting Advice on Your Next Trade 

With TradeCoach you can easily apply the results of the best scenario you found to your next trade. On the menu bar, Select 'Analysis' then 'Get Specific Advice on a Trade'. Here you can implement the results of your data mining and analysis. Enter the basic information of the trade. The minimum required information is the ticker symbol and the price you paid or plan to pay per share for the stock. If you do not enter the number of shares purchased, the default will be a single share and trade commission costs will be ignored.  Click 'OK', TradeCoach applies the best scenario found based on the parameters you entered and applies it to your current trade in order to define your exit for you.  It's that simple!  It gives you the stops or trailing-stops that are predicted to maximize your ROI based on the past performance of the stocks you selected from your portfolio. 

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